Contemplation of the Holy Mysteries

October 6th – 7th, 2018

A residential weekend studying the ‘Contemplation of the Holy Mysteries’, one of the major works of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi. Facilitated by the co-translator Cecilia Twinch.

Please note: this course is currently fully subscribed, and there is a short waiting list. If you are interested in the course, please contact, and we will contact you should a place become available.

Course Description

Contemplation of the Holy Mysteries is one of the major works of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi and has recently been translated into English by Pablo Beneito and Cecilia Twinch.

From the publisher’s website: “It consists of a series of 14 visions, in the form of dramatic conversations with the Divine, interspersed with dazzling visionary episodes… These contemplations are full of astounding insights into the nature of existence, our relationship with Reality, and the way to achieve true happiness.”

This course is an opportunity to study this work in beautiful surroundings, allowing for contemplative study without distractions. The Beshara Trust is very pleased that the co-translator Cecilia Twinch has agreed to facilitate the course, helped by Dee Mitting and Lucy Barratt.

Timetable & Accommodation

The Abbey is a conference centre near Abingdon, easily accessible from London and Oxford.

The Abbey Sutton Courtenay
The Green
OX14 4AF

*Click here for directions

Accommodation: single or double rooms
*A reduced rate is available if sharing a twin room.

The first session of the course will be at 10am on Saturday 6th October.

Attendees can arrive either on Friday 5th October after 4pm and stay for two nights, or on Saturday 6th October before 9.30am staying Saturday night. The course finishes at 4pm on Sunday 7th October.

All meals are provided including supper on Friday evening.

Booking & Fees

Costs: (for bookings before 30th June)

Arriving Friday 5th October: Single: £270  /  Double: £240 per person

Arriving Saturday 6th October: Single: £210  /  Double: £190 per person

Please note: this course is currently fully subscribed, and there is a short waiting list. If you are interested in the course, please contact, and we will contact you should a place become available.

Course / Event location

The Abbey Sutton Courtenay, The Green, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4AF

Intimate Dialogues with Reality

Saturday April 22nd, 2023
14:00 – 17:00 BST
October Gallery, London, UK

Reading and contemplation of some of Niffari’s “Spiritual Addresses” in English translation, exploring their relevance to us in the present moment.


The Kernel 246

Kernel of the Kernel

Weekly from 24th February 2022
13:00–14:30 PST

Online study of The Kernel of the Kernel, a selection of key passages from Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi’s Futūḥāt al-Makkiyyah, translated into Turkish with commentary by Ismail Hakki Bursevi (1652-1728AD). Translated into English by Bulent Rauf.

Prof. George Pattison

The Beshara Lecture 2017: Nothingness and Gratitude

July 22, 2017  (3pm)
St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation & Peace, London, UK

Speaker: George Pattison, 1640 Chair of Divinity, University of Glasgow.

Work by James Suzman: A Discussion

The history of work from the stone age to the age of robots

Sunday 3rd December 2023
15:00–16:30 GMT via Zoom

A chance to discuss the topic of Work as discussed by James Suzman in a book recently reviewed in Beshara Magazine.

Truth Is One

‘Truth is One but the wise speak of it differently’-21

7th September 2022 – 31st May 2023
5 x 5 weekly modules over three terms
Wednesdays 19:00–20:30 GMT/BST

This course will introduce participants to four major traditions of human wisdom – the philosophies of ancient Greece and India, Christian wisdom and Islamic Mysticism.

Aspects of Science, Imagination and the Mystical

April 14, 2018 (2pm–5pm)
The October Gallery, London, UK

A talk and seminar that will consider the vital role of the creative imagination in natural science and in the mystical philosophy of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi.


The Ways of the Heart I

25th February – 19th May 2022

The One Calling the Many: the first Ways of the Heart course exploring a spiritual life and unified perspective in the contemporary world.

NB. This course will be held at GMT.


The Alchemy of Human Happiness: Study Group

March 14th, 2020 (2–5pm)
The October Gallery, London UK

The second in a series of study groups on a new translation of a seminal work of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi. The first session took place in January 2020. A third session is planned for May. All are welcome, including anyone who did not attend the first session.

Cuthbert of Farne

May 12, 2019 (6pm)
The Cornucopia Room, Scottish Borders, UK

Book launch with author Katharine Tiernan

God created God’s own being

Weekly on Mondays from 28th March, 2022
19:00 – 20:00 AEST

A series of online sessions exploring creativity and meaning through Poetry, Writing, Images & Song.


Niffari: Spiritual Addresses

Weekly on Saturdays from 23rd October, 2021
13:30 – 15:30 BST/GMT
Or (Amero-Australian based group)
Weekly on Saturdays/Sundays from 13th November, 2021
17:00 – 18:00 Saturday CST / 10:00 – 11:00 Sunday AEDT

Online study and contemplation of the Spiritual Addresses by al-Niffari. Reading material will be provided.

These sessions are now full.

Michael Cohen at
(Amero-Australian group) Mary Boyd-Brent at

Discovering Unity Weekend Retreat

November 25 – 27, 2016

Explore deeper questions in the light of the unity of all existence. Guided group study of wisdom texts, meditation and more. Held at the Chisholme Institute.