Ibn ‘Arabi and the Journey Within

February 22, 2020 (2–5pm)
The October Gallery, 24 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AL

A seminar and interactive discussion with Rim Feriani exploring the meaning of ‘the journey’ in passages from selected works by Ibn ‘Arabi.

Event Description

The word Sufism, which translates in Arabic as tasawwuf, is closely interlinked with the meaning of “the way” or “the path.”  A Sufi in this sense is someone who follows an inner path and embarks on a spiritual journey. In his book, Introduction to Sufism: The Inner Path of Islam, Eric Geoffroy (2010: 8) explains how the Sufi “aspirant follows an inward journey that must lead him to climb the ladder of the universal hierarchy of Being”.  

In the works of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi, the concept of the journey and its symbolic expressions occupy a central position. In this seminar we aim to explore the meaning of the journey in passages from Journey to the Lord of Power and The Secrets of Voyaging. There will be an interactive discussion of these texts – previous study experience of Ibn ʿArabi’s work isn’t required.


Rim FerrianiRim Feriani is a Lecturer in Arabic language at King’s College, London. She has previously taught Arabic language and cultural studies at the University of Westminster where she completed her doctoral studies in 2016. Her main research interests are Sufi philosophy and Islamic tradition, Maghrebian and Postcolonial literatures, and modern philosophical hermeneutics. Her publications include: ‘Sufi Symbols of the Sacred in L’Enfant de sable’ in: The Maghreb Review and ‘Reading Signs and Symbols with Abdelkhébir Khatibi: From the Body to the Text’ in: Abdelkébir Khatibi: Postcolonialism, Transnationalism and Culture in the Maghreb and Beyond.

Booking & Fees

Cost: £8 + £1.54 registration fee from Eventbrite
Or from Facebook

Entry by ticket – refreshments provided

Michael Cohen at london@beshara.org or 020 8300 7928

The Joy of Embodiment

18th April, 2021
15:00 – 16:30 BST

An online seminar with Andreas Weber

Matter. Is it not just “stuff”? Or can it be said to be experiencing as well in some way? In our embodied existences we are at the same time matter (our physical body) and we have an experiencing standpoint. We hence can say something about the joys (and sorrows) of being matter. I will try to sketch a picture of perception not as representation of things, but as co-creation in a “poetic space”.

Registration via Eventbrite

The Upanishads: Refinding the Source

Saturday July 9, 2016

An introductory talk followed by readings and discussion at The October Gallery in London, with Elizabeth Roberts

Robert Louis Stevenson’s Fables as Contemplative Wisdom

“How if this be the truth – that all are a little true?”

Sunday, 30th October 2022
15:00–16:30 GMT (online via Zoom)

Robert Louis Stevenson’s fables are little-known masterpieces by this supreme story-teller.

This online seminar is the latest in a series under the general title Unity in Diversity.

Led by Robert-Louis Abrahamson

Know Yourself

Know Yourself

July 14, 2019 (11am – 1pm)
The Salisbury Centre, Edinburgh, UK

An introductory talk and workshop with Cecilia Twinch, translator of a new edition of this 13th century text – an explanation of the oneness of being – attributed to Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi.

Discovering Unity: introductory weekend

June 24 – 26, 2016

Discover more about yourself and the world around you through group study, conversation and meditation in a beautiful and peaceful environment.  

Discovering Unity Evening Course

April 27 – June 15, 2017
Oxford, UK

“Who in the world am I. Ah, that’s the great puzzle” Lewis Carrol. A seven week introductory evening course with weekly meetings.

The Impassable Mountain Pass

Saturday February 18, 2017

A seminar exploring the heart as the midpoint between the sacred and the mundane in the teachings of Ibn ‘Arabi at the October Gallery, London.

The Voyages of Moses (2 of 3)

Saturday October 1, 2016

An afternoon meeting in London to study extracts from Secrets of Voyaging, by Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi.

Kabbalah: The Mystic in the Marketplace

30th January, 2022
15:00 – 16:30 GMT

An online seminar via Zoom

Kabbalah, meaning ‘receive’, is a living tradition concerning life – its Source, purpose and its Divine plan. In its classical and contemporary form, the Tradition is relevant to all humanity, providing a path to Self-realisation. This online seminar will give a brief introduction to the Tradition and aim to show how the teaching is made real in the marketplace of life; providing perspective and hope for ourselves and our world.

Registration via Eventbrite

Spiritual Addresses of al-Niffari

Weekly from 3rd June, 2023
Saturdays: 13:30 – 15:30 BST

Online study and contemplation of the Spiritual Addresses by al-Niffari.

Kernel of the Kernel

Mondays from 7th September 2020 (19:00 – 20:00 BST)
& Wednesdays from 9th September 2020 (20:00 – 21:00 BST)

One session per week (6-7 week period)

Online study of the Kernel of the Kernel, a selection of key passages from Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi’s Futūḥāt al-Makkiyyah.

The Letters of Bulent Rauf

Weekly from 19th November 2022

Saturdays 18:00–19:00 CST
Sundays 11:00–13:00 AEDT

A reading group for online study of the Letters of Bulent Rauf.