Impersonal Compassion

September 21, 2019 (2pm – 5pm) 
Rudolf Steiner House, (Conference Room), 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT

The distinction between non-theistic and theistic spirituality according to Ibn ‘Arabi with Avi Abadi.

Event Description

While Buddhism embraces the concepts of the inexpressible and of compassion as the quality that alleviates suffering, it does not address the matter of the Compassionate as Ibn ‘Arabi presents it: the Single Being who, due to His mercy, lends existence to the infinity latent in His Essence.

It is perhaps all too easy to identify the Buddhist ‘inexpressible’ with what Ibn ‘Arabi means by ‘the Essence’. Hence the question arises whether the distinction between non-theistic and theistic spirituality is just a matter of semantics rather than one of significant difference.  

The seminar aims to explore this question with some relevant film clips, with reference to the approach of Ibn ‘Arabi.. 

Avi Abadi has been a student of the work of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi for many years. For several years he was the Director of Studies at the Chisholme Institute. He has presented several seminars for the Beshara Trust, and in 2018 gave the Beshara Lecture.

Booking & Fees

Cost: £8 + registration fee from Eventbrite or from Facebook

Entry by ticket – refreshments provided

Michael Cohen at or 020 8300 7928

Photo of a Robert Beer painting

Ibn Arabi Study-week Retreat

August 27, 2016 – September 3, 2016 

‘The Twenty Nine Pages’ revisited and the Wisdom of the Self in the Word of Jonah, in the Fusus al Hikam by Ibn ‘Arabi

Beshara Trust London Seminars

October 14 & November 11, 2017
The October Gallery, London, UK

Two study afternoons looking at the writings of Ibn ‘Arabi and other related authors.

Essential Rumi

Weekly on Tuesdays from 21st September, 2021
19:30 – 21:00 BST/GMT

A 6-week course focusing on the poetry of Jelaluddin Rumi.


The Alchemy of Human Happiness

Weekly on Saturdays (USA)
19:00–20:30 CDT online via Zoom

Weekly on  Sundays (Australia)
10:00–11:30 AEST online via Zoom

An opportunity to study and explore a recent translation of a seminal work of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi from his famous Meccan Illuminations (al-Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya).

This study group is timed for participants in the Pacific Rim.

Contact: Mary Boyd-Brent,

Fusus al-Hikam Study

Weekly on Sundays
10:00–11:30 or 17:00–18:30 BST/GMT

Online reading group studying chapters from the Fusus al-Hikam by Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi, translated by Jane Clark, Stephen Hirtenstein and Cecilia Twinch.

Yurt retreat

Woodland Yurt Retreat

August 26 – September 2, 2017
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

Discover what is essential – free from phones, internet and electricity – living in yurts on the edge of woodland and cooking over campfires in the company of fellow students and facilitators.

Poetics of Science: Through Itself

Poetics of Science: Through Itself

June 23 – 25, 2017
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

The second of three seminar weekends – interactive presentations and workshops with speakers from diverse backgrounds, films and music nights.

MESP logo

The Spiritual Journey in Poacher’s Pilgrimage

Thursday March 9, 2017

An evening with Alastair McIntosh, author of Poacher’s Pilgrimage: an Island Journey at The Sanctuary, Edinburgh.

The Chisholme Institute

Discovering Unity: weekend retreat

8 – 10 September 2017
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

Explore your deeper questions with others during a weekend of group study, discussion and conversation.

The Perennial Wisdom in Everyday Life

September 20 – 24, 2017
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

A four day seminar with Colin Tudge (The College for Real Farming and Food Culture) exploring the theory and practice of food production for now and the future.

Silence and Study reading week: Jethro

March 2 – 9, 2019
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

A week of group study of The Wisdom of the Heart in the Word of Jethro, a chapter from Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam (The Bezels of Wisdom)

Ibn Arabi Study-Week Retreat

July 16 – 23, 2016

An opportunity to study Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus Al Hikam in a group setting at The Chisholme Institute, led by Avi Abadi