In the Footsteps of St Cuthbert

September 19–23, 2018

A five-day study tour in the North of England led by Katherine Tiernan.

Course Description

In the first part of the tour we will trace the saint’s life on Lindisfarne and Inner Farne, with Bede’s Life of Cuthbert in hand. Then we will follow the saint’s journey to Chester-le-Street and Durham, his final resting place.

The tour will include pilgrimage walks, visits, and talks from visiting speakers. It is designed to be both informative and contemplative, an opportunity to draw closer to the meaning of the great Saint of the North.

The tour will be led by Katharine Tiernan, author of Place of Repose: A Tale of St Cuthbert’s Last Journey.

View the full itinerary

**The tour is sponsored by The Beshara Trust, and in keeping with the Trust’s aims, is open to people of any faith and religious background.

Booking & Fees

Price: £550 + £60 single

Places are limited to 14 so please book early.
Contact: for a booking form and payment details.

The price includes:

  • four nights half board accommodation (breakfast and evening meals)
  • all minibus travel, including pick-up and return to Berwick train station
  • entrance to Lindisfarne Priory and Jarrow Hall
  • boat trip to Inner Farne and landing fees
  • all study and supplementary materials

Course / Event location

Know Yourself

Know Yourself

Wednesdays from 5th August 2020 (20.00 – 21:00 BST)
& Mondays from 10th August 2020 (20.00 – 21:00 BST)

One session per week (5 week period)

Online study of Know Yourself, an explanation of the oneness of being attributed to Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi and Awhad al-din Balyani, translated by Cecilia Twinch (via Zoom)

African Apocalypse film documentary

African Apocalypse: Confronting the Injustices of the Past

24th – 26th April, 2021
Film Stream:
from 24th April (19:30 BST) – 26th April (07:30 BST)
Q&A Discussion: 25th April (19:30 – 20:30 BST)

A online stream of the new documentary film “African Apocalypse” exploring the history and legacy of European colonialism in Africa, and an online Q&A session with the film’s creators.

Tickets (via Eventbite): £6.50

Three Month Online Course

September 7 – December 7, 2019

A three month course beginning with a week residential retreat at Chisholme House in the Scottish Borders, followed by a modular online programme.

Alighting and Entering

Weekly on Sundays
19:00 – 21:30 AEST

Please express interest to determine the next Sunday start date.

An online study course run by a member of Beshara Australia exploring the theme of aim and intention in the search for spiritual knowledge through the unity of existence.

Contact: Mark Temple at

The Upanishads: Refinding the Source

Saturday July 9, 2016

An introductory talk followed by readings and discussion at The October Gallery in London, with Elizabeth Roberts

Robert Louis Stevenson’s Fables as Contemplative Wisdom

“How if this be the truth – that all are a little true?”

Sunday, 30th October 2022
15:00–16:30 GMT (online via Zoom)

Robert Louis Stevenson’s fables are little-known masterpieces by this supreme story-teller.

This online seminar is the latest in a series under the general title Unity in Diversity.

Led by Robert-Louis Abrahamson

Jami: Lawa‛ih (Flashes)

Weekly from 27th August, 2022
Sundays 13:30–15:30 BST/GMT

Online study of the Lawa’ih (“Flashes”) by Jami, an exposition in poetry and prose of the Unity of Existence as expressed in the work of Ibn ‘Arabi and his school.

Nestled in the Womb of God

Hindu-Muslim comparative inquiry

9th December 2023
14:00–17:00 GMT
The October Gallery, London

A seminar by Hina Khalid

This seminar ventures into the relatively unexplored terrain of a Hindu-Muslim comparative inquiry into the intimate presence of the divine reality to the finite world. It offers a comparative analysis of the conception of the infinite in the worldviews of two major philosopher-poets of the Indian subcontinent – Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) and Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941).

The Ways of the Heart II: Oneness

Weekly on Fridays
7th October 2022 – 13th December 2022
19:00–20:30 AEDT

An online Beshara course exploring a spiritual life in the contemporary world.

Coming to Know Edwin Muir

November 10, 2018 (2–5pm)
The October Gallery, London

Contemplative study of a few poems by the 20th Century Scottish Poet Edwin Muir

Speaker: Robert-Louis Abrahamson

Kernel of the Kernel

Sundays from 27th February, 2022
13:00 – 14:30 Pacific Standard Time

One session per week for up to 8 weeks

A study of Ismail Hakki Bursevi translation of Ibn ‘Arabi’s exceptional treatise for those who undertake the journey with the aim of Union. All are welcome.


Yurt retreat

Woodland Yurt Retreat

August 26 – September 2, 2017
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

Discover what is essential – free from phones, internet and electricity – living in yurts on the edge of woodland and cooking over campfires in the company of fellow students and facilitators.