Know Yourself

Wednesdays from 5th August 2020 (20.00 – 21:00 BST)
& Mondays from 10th August 2020 (20.00 – 21:00 BST)
One session per week (5 week period)

Online study of Know Yourself, an explanation of the oneness of being attributed to Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi and Awhad al-din Balyani, translated by Cecilia Twinch (via Zoom)

Course Description

This short text on the unity of existence explains that to realise your essential oneness with reality is not to eliminate your ‘separate’ self or ego because that illusory self never existed. Rather, it is necessary to know your true self to realise your oneness with all being. Nothing essentially changes. When you know yourself ‘ignorance simply disappears’ and how things really are becomes clear.

Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi (1165-1240AD), mystic, philosopher, poet, sage, is one of the world’s great spiritual teachers, whose writings provide a beautiful exposition of the Unity of Being. His wisdom has much to offer us in the modern world, in terms of understanding what it means to be human.

These sessions are supported and sponsored by The Beshara Trust.


Cost: FREE via ZOOM
Although these courses are free to join, participants will be expected to purchase a copy of the book. It is available from Beshara Publications and or

*Donations to support the running of these courses are welcome – DONATE HERE

Please note: both Know Yourself courses are now full, please contact if you would like to register your interest in further courses and be notified when they become available.

The Ways of the Heart I

11th February – 5th May 2022

The One Calling the Many: the first Ways of the Heart course exploring a spiritual life and unified perspective in the contemporary world.

NB. This course will be held at Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).


Ibn ‘Arabi Study Retreat: The Ground of Beneficence

August 26 – September 2, 2017
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

Meaning and relevance in the ‘Twenty-Nine Pages’ and the chapter on Loqman from the ‘Fusus al Hikam’

Fusus al-Hikam Study Sessions

Weekly on Sundays from 24th April, 2022
10:00–11:30 or 17:00–18:30 (BST)

Study of the new translation of the Fusus al-Hikam by Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi. Newcomers are very welcome.

Morning sessions:

Evening sessions:

Akong: A Remarkable Life

November 28, 2018 (7pm)
Heart of Hawick Cinema & Theatre, Hawick, Scottish Borders

The award-winning documentary on the inspirational life of Akong Rinpoche, co-founder of the first Tibetan Buddhist monastery in the West, at Eskdalemuir. Introduced by Executive Producer Vin Harris, and followed by a panel discussion with Q&A. Proceeds to the Akong Memorial Foundation.

Essential Rumi

Weekly on Tuesdays from 21st September, 2021
19:30 – 21:00 BST/GMT

A 6-week course focusing on the poetry of Jelaluddin Rumi.


Discovering Unity: introductory weekend

June 24 – 26, 2016

Discover more about yourself and the world around you through group study, conversation and meditation in a beautiful and peaceful environment.  

Awhad al-Din Kirmani: a talk by Lloyd Ridgeon

Sunday November 20, 2016

Dr Lloyd Ridgeon of the University of Glasgow delivers a talk on the Persian poet Awhad al-Din Kirmani (1163–1238) at the Chisholme Institute. 

Alighting and Entering

Weekly on Sundays
19:00 – 21:30 AEST

Please express interest to determine the next Sunday start date.

An online study course run by a member of Beshara Australia exploring the theme of aim and intention in the search for spiritual knowledge through the unity of existence.

Contact: Mark Temple at

Beshara Turkey Discovering Unity

Discovering Unity, Bursa

September 20 – November 1, 2016

A short course about being human, held over seven weekly evening meet-ups

Discovering Unity Introductory Weekend

January 27 – 29, 2017

Explore deeper questions in the light of the unity of all existence at the Chisholme Institute. Guided group study of wisdom texts, meditation and more…

Endless Voyaging; Spiritual Journeying in ‛Attar and Ibn ‛Arabi

Saturday, 15th October 2022
19:00–20:30 AEDT
9:00–10:30 BST

An online talk followed by Q&A with Jane Clark.

Discovering Unity Weekend Retreat

November 25 – 27, 2016

Explore deeper questions in the light of the unity of all existence. Guided group study of wisdom texts, meditation and more. Held at the Chisholme Institute.