Was and Is
March 17, 2018 (11am–5pm)
A day seminar on the distinction between predestination and karma according to the teachings of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi.
Course Description
On the distinction between predestination and karma according to the teachings of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi.
A seminar consisting of a talk introducing the metaphysical principles that underlie the concepts of predestination and karma, followed by study of selected passages from Ibn ‘Arabi’s seminal work, the Fusus al-Hikam that discuss:
- The idea of existence comprising infinite, varied expressions of one substance
- The value of karma in relation to predestination
The title of the Seminar, “Was and Is”, comes from a discussion in the Fusus extracts.
Avi Abadi has been a student of the work of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi for many years. He has presented several seminars for the Beshara Trust, most recently last year on the “Impassable Mountain Pass”.
This is an all-day event (11am–5pm). The ticket price includes lunch.
Booking & Fees
Entry by ticket.
Cost: £25 all-in from Eventbrite
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/216309112260329
Enquiries: Michael Cohen at london@beshara.org or 020 8300 7928.
Course / Event location
The October Gallery, 24 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AL