Impersonal Compassion

Friday July 2, 2021
Friday July 9, 2021
Friday July 16, 2021
19:00 AEST / 10:00 BST
1 hour session per week

An online seminar in three sessions on the distinction between non-theistic and theistic spirituality according to Ibn ‘Arabi with Avi Abadi.

Seminar Description

Buddhism embraces the realities of the inexpressible and of compassion as the quality that alleviates suffering, but it does not address the matter of the Compassionate as Ibn ‘Arabi presents it: the Single Being who, due to His mercy, lends existence to the infinity latent in His Essence. Since it is all too easy to identify the Buddhist ‘inexpressible’ with what Ibn ‘Arabi means by ‘the Essence’, the distinction between non-theistic and theistic spirituality may be seen as a question of semantics rather than one of significant difference that shapes the path of the seeker.

The seminar aims to explore this question in reference to three themes that are central to Ibn ‘Arabi’s teachings:

  • The emergence of existence
  • Prophecy, or how spiritual paths come about
  • The nature of enlightenment

Structurally, the seminar consists of a presentation that explores the latter two themes and a study of two passages from Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam.

Avi Abadi has been a student of the work of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi for many years. For several years he was the Director of Studies at the Beshara School (now known as the Chisholme Institute). He has led numerous seminars supported by the Beshara Trust, and presented the Beshara Lecture in 2018.


Cost: FREE via Zoom

Contact: Mark Temple at

The Reflective Heart

Weekly on Tuesdays
21:00–22:00 BST/GMT

Online study of chapters from James Morris’s, The Reflective Heart: Discovering Spiritual Intelligence in Ibn ‘Arabi’s Meccan Illuminations.

The Beshara Lecture 2019

November 16th, 2019 (from 2pm) at The Royal Asiatic Society, London.

‘Ecosystems as Love Processes’ from biological war ideology to understanding reality as alive.

Speaker: Andreas Weber

Singleness, Oneness & Singularity

Speaker: Avi Abadi

Saturday 15th July 2023
2:00-5:00pm BST
The October Gallery

The metaphysics of unity according to Ibn ‘Arabi


Bewildered: The Mystical Love Poetry of Ibn ‘Arabi

February 16, 2019 (2–5pm)
The October Gallery, London

Introducing a new English translation of Ibn ‘Arabi’s extraordinary cycle of mystical poetry Tarjumān al-Ashwāq (Translation of Desires) with publisher, Simone Fattal.

The Text as Teacher

June 11 – 19, 2016

A one-week residential course studying Rumi’s Masnavi, hosted by The Chisholme Institute and led by Alan Williams

Dante’s Divine Comedy

Weekly from 25th October 2022
19:00–20:30 BST/GMT

An introduction to the spiritual journey (online via Zoom).

Ibn ‘Arabi Study Retreat: The Ground of Beneficence

August 26 – September 2, 2017
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

Meaning and relevance in the ‘Twenty-Nine Pages’ and the chapter on Loqman from the ‘Fusus al Hikam’

The Ways of the Heart II: Oneness

Weekly on Fridays
7th October 2022 – 13th December 2022
19:00–20:30 AEDT

An online Beshara course exploring a spiritual life in the contemporary world.

“Differing Voices Make Sweet Music”: Unity in Diversity in Dante’s Divine Comedy

27th June, 2021
15:00 – 16:30 BST

An online seminar with Robert-Louis Abrahamson

Running throughout the three canticles of Dante’s Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso) is the importance of community, that is bringing together the diversity of individuals into one unified society, all the varieties of humanity conjoined in the Divine Unity. The talk will trace the journey through these three regions, focusing on Dante’s poetic (even mythic) rendition of the soul’s relation to these three aspects of Unity in Diversity.

Registration via Eventbrite

Bede Griffiths: An Interspiritual Journey

November 18, 2017
The Sanctuary, Augustine United Church, Edinburgh

A day conference organised by the Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace (EICSP).

40 Day Retreat Course

October 16 – November 26, 2017
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

What does it mean to be human? How do we relate to ourselves, to others, to the world?

The Poems of Uftade

Üftade: The Nightingale in the Garden of Love

Weekly on Saturdays/Sundays from 19th March, 2022
18:00 – 19:00 Saturday CDT
10:00 – 11:00 Sunday AEDT (09:00 – 10:00 AEST from 1st April)

A reading group for online study of the spiritual poems of Üftade, one of the greatest Ottoman Sufi masters, in English translation from The Nightingale in the Garden of Love.

Contact: Mary Boyd-Brent at