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Open Meetings

Monday 13th & 27th January, 2025
Monday 10th & 24th February, 2025

18:30–19:30 GMT

The Zoom link below will be used for all four meetings:
Click here: << Zoom link for Open Meetings >>

Are you interested in sharing your thoughts and in contributing to the development of Beshara? We are excited to invite you to a series of four fortnightly online Open Meetings launching in January 2025.

Inspired by the feedback from our recent AGM, these open meetings will provide a much needed platform for exchanging ideas, having meaningful discussions, the chance to be heard and the chance to listen and for understanding to develop and flourish.

The Meeting is open to all, old and new; the only criterion is respect for each other. What will come of this initiative, time will tell, but we look forward to unleashing the potential.

Facilitators: Hugh Tollemache and Elizabeth Roberts

We look forward to seeing you there over these two months.

If you have any queries or for more information, please contact:


Aspects of Science, Imagination and the Mystical

Saturday 14th June 2025
14:00–17:00 BST
The October Gallery, London

With Peter Coates

This talk will consider the vital role of the Creative Imagination in Natural Science and in the Mystical Philosophy of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi.

Contact: Michael Cohen

Paradise E’Now or The Smile of the Spirit

Saturday 24th May 2025
14:00–17:00 BST
The October Gallery, London

With Charles Mugleston

A special Birthday Celebration with music, exploring, experiencing & soulfully enjoying the Ruba’iya’t of Hakim Omar Khayya’m translated & adapted by the Anglo-Irish genius Edward FitzGerald of Woodbridge, Suffolk into “English Music” in 1859.

Contact: Michael Cohen

Open Meetings

Saturday 22nd March, 2025
9:00am–10:00am GMT

Inspired by the turn out at the recent open meetings, we are pleased to invite you to our next online Open Meeting. This meeting will give priority to our friends in Australia and the Asia Pacific before we open up the space to continue the conversation with everyone else.

Know Yourself

Saturday 26th April 2025
14:00–17:00 BST
The October Gallery, London

You yourself are the object of your quest

Reading and discussion of a classic explanation of the Oneness of Being, attributed to Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi and Awhad al-din Balyani and translated from the Arabic by Cecilia Twinch.

Contact: Michael Cohen,

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