Beshara is a name for the perspective that there is only one unlimited existence, expressing itself infinitely as a gift of love.
The potential to realise this truth lies within every human heart.
The awakening and realisation of this potential is the aim of this education.
The word Beshara is originally Aramaic, its meaning can be rendered as “good news” or “omen of joy”. It indicates the very positive and valuable effect that any movement towards a more inclusive and harmonious perspective represents.
Mirrors of the Transcendent in the Cosmos of Ibn Arabi: The Body as Metaphor of Divine Self-Revelation
25th-26th July 2025
The Warburg Institute, University of London
A joint symposium held by the Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi Society and The Warburg Institute.
More details:
Know Yourself
Saturday 26th April 2025
14:00–17:00 BST
The October Gallery, London
You yourself are the object of your quest
Reading and discussion of a classic explanation of the Oneness of Being, attributed to Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi and Awhad al-din Balyani and translated from the Arabic by Cecilia Twinch.
Contact: Michael Cohen,
Daily Meditation
From 6th January 2025
07:30–08:00 GMT
Daily 30-minute silent meditation. All welcome.
Contact: John Brown at for a Zoom invite
Love and Knowledge in the Light of Unity | the Direct Path
Beshara Foundation Course
Autumn 2025 (dates to be confirmed)
Introductory weekend at Sutton Courtenay Abbey, Oxfordshire
(Zoom attendance also available)
10 x bi-weekly evening online sessions
This course provides a full introduction to the principles of Beshara in terms of both knowledge and practice. Taking the metaphysics of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi as a starting point, the course explores what it means to understand oneself and the world in the light of the Unity of Existence.
Love Divine: a conversation between Rumi and St. John of the Cross
Meditation and poetry workshops
Fortnightly from 18th January – 29th March
Saturdays: 10:00am – 11:30pm (GMT)
Fortnightly from 25th January – 5th April
Saturdays: 10am – 11:30am (Pacific Time), 12:00pm-13:30 (Central Time), and 5:00pm-6:30pm (UK time).
Meditation workshops following a format of reading some lines of poetry with contemplative meditation and shared reflections. There are a few places left.
The intentions of Beshara Magazine: an interview with the editor, Jane Clark
Beshara Magazine provides a platform for intelligent and thought-provoking material embodying a unifying perspective. Its concern is not with one particular field of activity, but with unitative ideas and initiatives as they arise in many different areas of contemporary thought.
Rolling Out the Doughnut
Leonora Grcheva of DEAL talks about how Kate Raworth’s innovative economic theory is being translated into sustainable practice in cities across the world
‘The Doughnut gives us a new way to conceptualise who we are, how we position ourselves as part of the living world, and how we can reimagine our future’
Emily Young: Giving Voice to the Earth
The distinguished sculptor Emily Young talks about her work and the stories that stone can tell us
‘What does it look like when a human is at one with the universe? Embracing it all…’
Richard Lewis: Pilgrim in the Land of Children
Robert Hirshfield appreciates the work of a teacher who has devoted his life to inspiring children to write imaginative poetry
‘A child is the privacy of a universe learning to talk to itself.’
The Power of Gold
Alan Ereira talks about his new book, which traces the relationship between human beings and this most precious metal over a period of 7,000 years
‘The notion that gold contains immutable value is somehow enormously powerful. Of course, gold doesn’t actually have that value in itself; we attribute that to it without thinking, unconsciously.’
The Philosophy of Prayer
Distinguished theologian George Pattison talks about the meaning of prayer in the modern world and how it brings us to awareness of our essential nothingness
‘Our starting point always has to be that we are not makers of our own being, but we are before we start doing anything for ourselves.’
Ibn ‘Arabi and the Ecological Crisis: a Merciful Nemesis? Revisited
Speaker: Peter Coates
Delivered at the October Gallery, London, September 2023
A talk and discussion with Peter Coates about the ecological crisis and its deeper significance.
“Hubris against the essential divine order of nature would be followed by its appropriate nemesis” (Aldous Huxley)
The Coincidence of Opposites
Speaker: Iain McGilchrist
Delivered online on 9th July 2023
If there is Oneness, what are the Many? Are they the same? What do we mean? Iain McGilchrist suggests that the coincidence of opposites is a truth of unsurpassed importance, but that we have been educated into believing that it is, quite simply, nonsense; and that this plays a neglected role in our failure to make sense of the world.
Bulent Rauf | This book presents letters full of profound insights to students corresponding with Bülent Rauf (1911–1987), who was Consultant to the Beshara School of Intensive Esoteric Education.
Kernel of the Kernel
Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi | “For the one who is ready to look into the depth of his or her own being, to the kernel of the kernel which is his essence, this book is invaluable, pointing out the path of progress for those who may become entangled along the way.”
Know Yourself
Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi / Awhad al-din Balyani | The power of ideas has been expressed in many ways. It is also true of a wrong idea, illusion, and the most deep-rooted and limiting of ideas is the idea of our own existence. “Know Yourself” is a clearing away of misconceptions, so that a true perception may appear.
The Trust is supported entirely by philanthropic donations and voluntary work.
Beshara courses and events are held around the world, organised by independent groups and individuals who share a common belief in the importance of this education.
To find out more about our worldwide groups, follow these links:
The Beshara Trust (UK)
Beshara Netherlands
Beshara North America
Beshara Southeast Asia
Beshara Australia
© The Beshara Trust (UK) 2022. All rights reserved