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Open Meeting

Saturday 22nd March, 2025
09:00am – 10:00am GMT

The Zoom link below will be used for the meeting:
Click here: << Zoom link for Open Meetings >>

Inspired by the turn out at the recent open meetings we are pleased to invite you to our next online Open Meeting.

Though all are welcome, this meeting will give precedence to our friends in Australia and the Asia Pacific so that they have a platform for sharing and exchange before we open up the space to continue the conversation.

The meeting will be hosted by Hugh Tollemache and Elizabeth Roberts.

We very much look forward to seeing you again soon.

If you have any queries or for more information contact


Know Yourself

Saturday 26th April 2025
14:00–17:00 BST
The October Gallery, London

You yourself are the object of your quest

Reading and discussion of a classic explanation of the Oneness of Being, attributed to Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi and Awhad al-din Balyani and translated from the Arabic by Cecilia Twinch.

Contact: Michael Cohen,

Daily Meditation

From 6th January 2025
07:30–08:00 GMT

Daily 30-minute silent meditation beginning with a dedication of intent and ending. All welcome.

Contact: John Brown at for a Zoom invite

Love and Knowledge in the Light of Unity | the Direct Path

Beshara Foundation Course

Autumn 2025 (dates to be confirmed)

Introductory weekend at Sutton Courtenay Abbey, Oxfordshire
(Zoom attendance also available)

10 x bi-weekly evening online sessions

This course provides a full introduction to the principles of Beshara in terms of both knowledge and practice. Taking the metaphysics of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi as a starting point, the course explores what it means to understand oneself and the world in the light of the Unity of Existence.


Love Divine: a conversation between Rumi and St. John of the Cross

Meditation and poetry workshops 

Fortnightly from 18th January – 29th March
Saturdays: 10:00am – 11:30pm (GMT)
Fortnightly from 25th January – 5th April
Saturdays: 10am – 11:30am (Pacific Time), 12:00pm-13:30 (Central Time), and 5:00pm-6:30pm (UK time).

Meditation workshops following a format of reading some lines of poetry with contemplative meditation and shared reflections. There are a few places left.

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