Intimations: Talks with J.G. Bennett at Beshara

Addresses I / Testpage for Marta

by Bulent Rauf

RRP: £5.95 (+P&P)

Paperback, 72 pages

Intimations: Talks with J.G. Bennett at Beshara

Addresses I / Testpage for Marta

by Bulent Rauf

RRP: £5.95 (+P&P)

Paperback, 72 pages

‘A classic of esoteric literature, which should be read, re-read and read again.’

Peter Young, from the Foreword

This book could be called a fruit of the courses of the Chisholme Institute, where hundreds of people have taken part in six month courses since 1975. Many of the twelve papers which it contains were given in response to a particular stage or difficulty faced by students on the course.

This lends them an immediacy and an enduring usefulness, since they help to relate experiences, which many people might share, to the goal that has been recognised and accepted.

Bulent Rauf did not leave a great deal of writing of his own. His great contributions were, introducing many people to the refined and sublime taste for Reality, which Ottoman spirituality at its best inherited and cultivated, his support for the establishment of the Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi Society, and the translation into English of Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam with the commentary of Ismail Hakki Bursevi, a profound, subtle and beautiful rendition of the incomparable original, were accomplished without much formal writing on his part. But the papers in Addresses, occasioned by the particular needs of students for clarification and assistance, were selected and ordered by Bulent himself. He left the collection and publication of anything else he had written to others, one outcome of which was Addresses II.

Peter Young wrote in his Foreword to the book in 1986:

“The point of view from which these addresses are written and to which the reader is inexorably drawn is that of One and Only One Unique Existence…  These addresses are for those who want to come to understand their relationship to Reality, what their purpose is and how consequently they should proceed. For in wanting to know these matters they have already begun to correspond to their raison d’etre; as God is reported to have said ‘I was like a hidden treasure; I loved to be known and I created the Universes…’

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Extract from Addresses I

From Chapter 2, Humility:

No one is completely devoid of pride if pride in learning is not changed into dignity through humility.

The purpose of all your study is to bring you to a realisation of your ‘essential’ oneness with the One and Only Absolute Existence. Here remember that the word ‘essential’ mainly means ‘in your essence’ as well as your origin and your reality.

This realisation of ‘your essential oneness’ can only be consequent to the complete humility of your ego to accept this knowledge and make it its own belief; because this knowledge is not the mere acceptance of a ‘concept’ or ‘theory’, etc. which may be received by an adjustment of the ego to tolerate, or even to consider this theory or concept or what you will, and still continue unaffected in its (the ego’s) separate and illusory self-existence as something apart from the basic reality of your ‘essential oneness’.

As you can see when you make of this reality your realisation, you implicitly admit the non-existence of a relationship of the ego to the One, or through the One or with the One or in the One or together with the One, etc., except that this ego itself is no longer the ego you have known up to now, but the extension of the ‘ego’ of the One in a single determination, and which is His individuation as you. This is what prompted Rumi to write the Mathnawi, and again this is what constitutes the subject of the story told about Rumi’s conversation with Yunus Emre. The story goes like this: One day Rumi and Yunus Emre met. They had an intimate and very pleasant conversation where Rumi told Yunus of all he had done, reciting to both their delight some of his sublime verse. Yunus Emre was very grateful and highly pleased, but a doubt of personal ability to achieve the same came over him in his utter humility. He remarked aloud: “How true, how lovely; but what a lot of words you have used to say such a simple thing. I could never have done it.” Rumi asked him: “How would you have said it?” Yunus Emre, who was what may be called a ‘Folk Poet’, replied in a couplet:

I wrapped myself in flesh and bones
And appeared as Yunus.
(Ete kemige burundum
Yunus deyu gorundum

More books:

The Text as Teacher

June 11 – 19, 2016

A one-week residential course studying Rumi’s Masnavi, hosted by The Chisholme Institute and led by Alan Williams

Dante’s Divine Comedy

Weekly from 25th October 2022
19:00–20:30 BST/GMT

An introduction to the spiritual journey (online via Zoom).

The Ways of the Heart I

11th February – 5th May 2022

The One Calling the Many: the first Ways of the Heart course exploring a spiritual life and unified perspective in the contemporary world.

NB. This course will be held at Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).


The Joy of Embodiment

18th April, 2021
15:00 – 16:30 BST

An online seminar with Andreas Weber

Matter. Is it not just “stuff”? Or can it be said to be experiencing as well in some way? In our embodied existences we are at the same time matter (our physical body) and we have an experiencing standpoint. We hence can say something about the joys (and sorrows) of being matter. I will try to sketch a picture of perception not as representation of things, but as co-creation in a “poetic space”.

Registration via Eventbrite

A Jewel of Indian Spirituality: Reflections on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

16th May, 2021
15:00 – 16:30 BST

An online seminar with Elizabeth Roberts

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is one of a number of sutra texts from the late Upanishadic period. According to its Indian origins yoga is not just a physical practice but a sacred science of right living and higher awareness aimed at coming to realise the inner truth of the universe – the Divine, God, the Absolute or whatever name one may use to refer to this highest value.

Registration via Eventbrite

Impersonal Compassion

September 21, 2019 (2pm – 5pm)
Rudolf Steiner House, London

A seminar exploring the distinction between non-theistic and theistic spirituality according to Ibn ‘Arabi.

The Wisdom of Rapturous Love in the Abraham Word

Weekly on Sundays from 4th April, 2021
10:00 – 11:30 BST

Online study of the chapter of Abraham from the Fusus al-Hikam (The Bezels of Wisdom) by Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi. Newcomers are very welcome.

This course is full but you are welcome to register your interest in further study. Contact: Christina Mark at

The Twenty-Nine Pages

8th September, 2021 – 24th November, 2021

A 12-week online course by the Beshara Trust studying ‘The Twenty-Nine Pages’, which serves as an excellent introduction to Ibn ‘Arabi’s metaphysics of unity.


Kernel of the Kernel

Thursdays from 24th February 2022
16:00 – 17:30 Pacific Standard Time

Fridays from 25th February 2022
10:00 – 11:30 Australian Eastern Standard Time


A study of Ismail Hakki Bursevi’s translation of Ibn ‘Arabi’s exceptional treatise for those who undertake the journey with the aim of Union. All are welcome.

Contact: Mark Danley at

The Perennial Wisdom in Everyday Life

September 20 – 24, 2017
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

A four day seminar with Colin Tudge (The College for Real Farming and Food Culture) exploring the theory and practice of food production for now and the future.

The Twenty-Nine Pages: study and introduction

March 15 – 24, 2019
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

A classic introduction to studying Ibn ‘Arabi

Truth Is One
‘Truth is One but the wise speak of it differently’-21

7th September 2022 – 31st May 2023
5 x 5 weekly modules over three terms
Wednesdays 19:00–20:30 GMT/BST

This course will introduce participants to four major traditions of human wisdom – the philosophies of ancient Greece and India, Christian wisdom and Islamic Mysticism.

Berwick Meditation Group (UK)

Weekly on Fridays, 22nd April – 17th June, 2022
16:30 – 17:30 BST

A series of sessions exploring the practice of meditation from different traditions.

Ibn ‘Arabi and the Ecological Crisis: a Merciful Nemesis? Revisited

September 16th, 2023 (14:00–17:00 BST)
The October Gallery, London

A talk by Peter Coates about the ecological crisis and its deeper significance.

The Chisholme Institute
40 Day Intensive Summer Retreat

May 6 – June 16, 2017

A retreat for anyone who wishes to look deeply or further into their complete human potential and find a means and orientation to help on the road to realising it. Held at the Chisholme Institute.

Discovering Unity Introductory Weekend

March 10 – 12, 2017

Explore deeper questions in the light of the unity of all existence at the Chisholme Institute. Guided group study of wisdom texts, meditation and more…

The Ways of the Heart II: Oneness

Weekly on Fridays
7th October 2022 – 13th December 2022
19:00–20:30 AEDT

An online Beshara course exploring a spiritual life in the contemporary world.

Discovering Unity: introductory weekend

June 24 – 26, 2016

Discover more about yourself and the world around you through group study, conversation and meditation in a beautiful and peaceful environment.  

Fusus al-Hikam Study Sessions

Weekly on Tuesdays from 8th March, 2022
19:00–20:00 (AEDT)

A reading group for online study of the Fusus al-Hikam by Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi, volumes 1-4. Participants will be able to join in as they wish.


Alighting and Entering 21
Alighting and Entering Weekly on Sundays from 29th August, 202119:00 – 21:30 AEST An online study...
The Beshara Lecture 2019

November 16th, 2019 (from 2pm) at The Royal Asiatic Society, London.

‘Ecosystems as Love Processes’ from biological war ideology to understanding reality as alive.

Speaker: Andreas Weber

“Differing Voices Make Sweet Music”: Unity in Diversity in Dante’s Divine Comedy

27th June, 2021
15:00 – 16:30 BST

An online seminar with Robert-Louis Abrahamson

Running throughout the three canticles of Dante’s Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso) is the importance of community, that is bringing together the diversity of individuals into one unified society, all the varieties of humanity conjoined in the Divine Unity. The talk will trace the journey through these three regions, focusing on Dante’s poetic (even mythic) rendition of the soul’s relation to these three aspects of Unity in Diversity.

Registration via Eventbrite

Jami: Lawa‛ih (Flashes)

Weekly from 27th August, 2022
Sundays 13:30–15:30 BST/GMT

Online study of the Lawa’ih (“Flashes”) by Jami, an exposition in poetry and prose of the Unity of Existence as expressed in the work of Ibn ‘Arabi and his school.

Know Yourself

July 14, 2019 (11am – 1pm)
The Salisbury Centre, Edinburgh, UK

An introductory talk and workshop with Cecilia Twinch, translator of a new edition of this 13th century text – an explanation of the oneness of being – attributed to Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi.

Coming to Know Edwin Muir

November 10, 2018 (2–5pm)
The October Gallery, London

Contemplative study of a few poems by the 20th Century Scottish Poet Edwin Muir

Speaker: Robert-Louis Abrahamson

Kernel of the Kernel

Sundays from 27th February, 2022
13:00 – 14:30 Pacific Standard Time

One session per week for up to 8 weeks

A study of Ismail Hakki Bursevi translation of Ibn ‘Arabi’s exceptional treatise for those who undertake the journey with the aim of Union. All are welcome.


Discovering Unity: weekend retreat

8 – 10 September 2017
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

Explore your deeper questions with others during a weekend of group study, discussion and conversation.

Silence and Study reading week: Jethro

March 2 – 9, 2019
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

A week of group study of The Wisdom of the Heart in the Word of Jethro, a chapter from Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam (The Bezels of Wisdom)

The Beshara Lecture 2023

The Coincidence of Opposites

Speaker: Iain McGilchrist

Sunday 9th July 2023 14:00 BST (via Zoom)

If there is Oneness, what are the Many? Are they the same? What do we mean?

Discovering Unity: introductory weekend

June 24 – 26, 2016

Discover more about yourself and the world around you through group study, conversation and meditation in a beautiful and peaceful environment.  

Know Yourself

January – July 2019 (11am – 1pm)
Every 2nd Sunday each month

The Salisbury Centre, Edinburgh, UK

Exploring the Oneness of Being through oneself

The Voyages of Moses (2 of 3)

Saturday October 1, 2016

An afternoon meeting in London to study extracts from Secrets of Voyaging, by Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi.

Ibn ‘Arabi Study Retreat: The Ground of Beneficence

August 26 – September 2, 2017
Chisholme Institute, Scottish Borders, UK

Meaning and relevance in the ‘Twenty-Nine Pages’ and the chapter on Loqman from the ‘Fusus al Hikam’

Singleness, Oneness & Singularity

Metaphysical Foundations of the Fusus

Fridays 21st and 28th April 2023
Online 19:00 – 20:15 AEST

An exploration of the metaphysical foundations of the Fusus al-Hikam, as they are presented in the introduction to the commentary rendered into English by Bülent Rauf and Jandi’s commentary on the Wisdom of Singularity.

God created God’s own being

Weekly on Mondays from 28th March, 2022
19:00 – 20:00 AEST

A series of online sessions exploring creativity and meaning through Poetry, Writing, Images & Song.
