Fusus al-Hikam Study Sessions

Weekly on Tuesdays from 8th March, 2022
19:00–20:00 (AEDT)

A reading group for online study of the Fusus al-Hikam by Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi, volumes 1-4.
Participants will be able to join in as they wish.

Course Description

The Fusus al-Hikam – Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi considered the Fusus al-Hikam – his last major opus – to be the most important of his more than 350 books. The theme is the inner meaning of the 27 prophets mentioned in the Quran from Adam to Mohammed: the infinite wisdom, which is at once unique in itself and many-faceted in its representation. The Fusus is simultaneously an explanation of the most profound meaning of man’s existence and perfectibility and an esoteric exegesis of the Quran.

Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi (1165-1240AD), mystic, philosopher, poet, sage, is one of the world’s great spiritual teachers, whose writings provide a beautiful exposition of the Unity of Being. His wisdom has much to offer us in the modern world, in terms of understanding what it means to be human.

These sessions are run by Beshara Australia.


Cost: FREE via Zoom

Participants will be expected to purchase one or more volumes of the Fusus. Copies are available from The Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society.

Contact: markvtemple@gmail.com

If participants feel the need for extended conversation, a dedicated WhatsApp group may be arranged, as this has been done in other cases and proved to be helpful and connective.

Notes from the Underworld

May 25, 2019 (2–4pm)
The Cornucopia Room, Scottish Borders
June 1, 2019 (2.30–4.30pm)
Mulberry House, Edinburgh

A talk by Janet Bowers exploring and embracing death as one of the most essential aspects of our humanity from a psychological and spiritual perspective.

Ibn Arabi Study-Week Retreat

July 16 – 23, 2016

An opportunity to study Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus Al Hikam in a group setting at The Chisholme Institute, led by Avi Abadi

Ibn ‘Arabi and the Journey Within

February 22nd, 2020 (2–5pm)
The October Gallery, London UK

A seminar and interactive discussion with Rim Feriani exploring the meaning of ‘the journey’ in passages from selected works by Ibn ‘Arabi.

Impersonal Compassion

September 21, 2019 (2pm – 5pm)
Rudolf Steiner House, London

A seminar exploring the distinction between non-theistic and theistic spirituality according to Ibn ‘Arabi.

‘How One Becomes What One Is’

Saturday March 25th, 2023
14:00-17:00 GMT
The October Gallery, London, UK

“Man is a rope, fastened between animal and superman – a rope over an abyss. A dangerous going-across, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous shuddering and staying-still. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal; what can be loved in man is that he is a going-across and down-going” (Nietzsche, Friedrich. Thus Spoke Zarathustra)

The Kernel 246

Kernel of the Kernel

Weekly from 24th February 2022
13:00–14:30 PST

Online study of The Kernel of the Kernel, a selection of key passages from Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi’s Futūḥāt al-Makkiyyah, translated into Turkish with commentary by Ismail Hakki Bursevi (1652-1728AD). Translated into English by Bulent Rauf.

Restoring the Broken Order

Learning from Ibn ‘Arabi

Saturday 20th April 2024
14:00–17:00 BST
The October Gallery, London

An exploratory seminar on some themes from the Wisdom of Breathing Out in the Word of Seth, the second chapter of Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam (The Ringstones of Wisdom).

Mysticism in Comparative Perspectives

December 14 – 16, 2016

A conference at the University of Glasgow seeking to renew the comparative study of mysticism

Jesus Across Space and Time

An interactive seminar

Saturday 30th November 2024
14:00–17:00 BST
The October Gallery, London

An afternoon devoted to discussion of the question: what is the knowledge we can attain if we contemplate the person of Jesus and his function and role in the world of humanity?

Know Yourself

Know Yourself

Wednesdays from 5th August 2020 (20.00 – 21:00 BST)
& Mondays from 10th August 2020 (20.00 – 21:00 BST)

One session per week (5 week period)

Online study of Know Yourself, an explanation of the oneness of being attributed to Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi and Awhad al-din Balyani, translated by Cecilia Twinch (via Zoom)

Alighting and Entering 21

Alighting and Entering Weekly on Sundays from 29th August, 202119:00 – 21:30 AEST An online study course run by a member of Beshara Australia exploring the theme of aim and intention in the search for spiritual knowledge through the unity of existence.   Course...

Cuthbert of Farne

May 12, 2019 (6pm)
The Cornucopia Room, Scottish Borders, UK

Book launch with author Katharine Tiernan