Niffari: Spiritual Addresses

Weekly on Saturdays from 23rd October, 2021
13:30 – 15:30 BST/GMT
Or (Amero-Australian based group)
Weekly on Saturdays/Sundays from 13th November, 2021
17:00 – 18:00 Saturday CST / 10:00 – 11:00 Sunday AEDT

Online study and contemplation of the Spiritual Addresses by al-Niffari. Reading material will be provided.

These sessions are now full.

Michael Cohen at
(Amero-Australian group) Mary Boyd-Brent at

Jewel, Spirit and Mud

8th October, 2021
15th October, 2021
22nd October, 2021
(19:00 AEDT / 10:00 BST)

An online Zoom seminar series in three sessions on the makeup of the human self according to Ibn ‛Arabi with Avi Abadi. Each session will last 75 minutes.


Finding Radical Freedom: Some Reflections on Meister Eckhart

10th October, 2021
15:00 – 16:30 BST

Some say Meister Eckhart is simply a philosopher, the father of German philosophy. Others see him as the profoundest of mystics, ‘the man from whom God hid nothing’, ‘the mystic’s mystic’. Whatever else, Eckhart probed the depths of human freedom, unfolding the art of “living without a why”. In this seminar we will try to catch a first glimpse of what such freedom might mean.

Registration via Eventbrite