Kernel of the Kernel

Thursdays from 24th February 2022 (16:00 – 17:30 Pacific Standard Time)
Fridays from 25th February 2022
(10:00 – 11:30 Australian Eastern Standard Time)

A study of Ismail Hakki Bursevi’s translation of Ibn ‘Arabi’s exceptional treatise for those who undertake the journey with the aim of Union.

Course Description

The Kernel of the Kernel is a selection of key passages from Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi’s Futūḥāt al-Makkiyyah, translated into Turkish with commentary by Ismail Hakki Bursevi (1652-1728AD). Translated into English by Bulent Rauf.

It is a dialogue with the mystic and is for the one who is ready to look into the depths of his or her own being to the kernel of the kernel which is his or her essence. This book is invaluable, pointing out the way of progress for those who may become entangled along the path.

Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi (1165-1240AD), mystic, philosopher, poet, sage, is one of the world’s great spiritual teachers, whose writings provide a beautiful exposition of the Unity of Being. His wisdom has much to offer us in the modern world, in terms of understanding what it means to be human.


Cost: FREE via Zoom
Although these courses are free to join, a copy of Kernel of the Kernel is required.

The book is available for £11 from Beshara Publications and can also be ordered in the USA from

Contact: Mark Danley at

Bulent Rauf

The Writings of Bulent Rauf

Saturday, 8th October 2022
14:00–17:00 BST
The October Gallery, London UK

An afternoon devoted to contemplative reading of some of the writings and talks of Bulent Rauf.

Ibn ‘Arabi Study Day

May 25, 2019 (11am–5pm)
The October Gallery, London

A day of study of the chapter on ‘The Wisdom of Beneficence in the Word of Loqman’ from Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam (The Bezels of Wisdom).

‘How One Becomes What One Is’

Saturday March 25th, 2023
14:00-17:00 GMT
The October Gallery, London, UK

“Man is a rope, fastened between animal and superman – a rope over an abyss. A dangerous going-across, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous shuddering and staying-still. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal; what can be loved in man is that he is a going-across and down-going” (Nietzsche, Friedrich. Thus Spoke Zarathustra)

Discovering Unity Weekend Retreat

September 23 – 25, 2016

Explore deeper questions in the light of the unity of all existence. Guided group study of wisdom texts, meditation and more. Held at the Chisholme Institute.

Ibn ‘Arabi and the Ecological Crisis: a Merciful Nemesis? Revisited

September 16th, 2023 (14:00–17:00 BST)
The October Gallery, London

A talk by Peter Coates about the ecological crisis and its deeper significance.

Dom Sylvester Houédard

The Kiss: The Beshara talks of Dom Sylvester Houédard

Saturday, 5th November 2022
14:00–17:00 GMT
The October Gallery, London UK

Contemplative reading of extracts from “The Kiss”, a new collection of the Dom’s talks.

The Mysticism and Spirituality of St. John of the Cross

2 online series of 3 Meditation Workshops

30th September, 28th October, 26th November
Saturdays, 10:00–12.30 BST/GMT
October 12th, November 9th, December 7th
Thursdays, 17:00–19.30 BST/GMT

Two poems by St. John of the Cross, The Dark Night and The Spiritual Canticle, will form the basis of our meditation.

Akong: A Remarkable Life

November 28, 2018 (7pm)
Heart of Hawick Cinema & Theatre, Hawick, Scottish Borders

The award-winning documentary on the inspirational life of Akong Rinpoche, co-founder of the first Tibetan Buddhist monastery in the West, at Eskdalemuir. Introduced by Executive Producer Vin Harris, and followed by a panel discussion with Q&A. Proceeds to the Akong Memorial Foundation.

Coming to Know Edwin Muir

November 10, 2018 (2–5pm)
The October Gallery, London

Contemplative study of a few poems by the 20th Century Scottish Poet Edwin Muir

Speaker: Robert-Louis Abrahamson

Berwick Meditation Group (UK)

Weekly on Fridays, 22nd April – 17th June, 2022
16:30 – 17:30 BST

A series of sessions exploring the practice of meditation from different traditions.

Ibn ‘Arabi Study Afternoon

December 1, 2018 (2–5pm)
The October Gallery, London

An afternoon seminar studying the chapter on ‘The Wisdom of Being in the Word of David’ from Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam (The Bezels of Wisdom).

Beshara Turkey Discovering Unity

Bursa Birliğin Keşfi

20 Eylül – 1 Kasım, 2016

7 haftalık akşam buluşmalarıyla insan olmak üzerine kısa bir kurs